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Black Hat SEO: ALL What you Need To Know And Learn About.

Black Hat SEO For Beginners



If you have a website from which you are trying to make money, you must have visitors to that site in order to do so.

It is a little like having a store in the local high street or shopping mall. If no-one ever finds your store and wanders inside, then it does not matter how classy your products are, or how competitive your prices are, you will never make any sales until you start pulling in potential customers.

The same rules apply in the world of online business. No visitors to your site is exactly the same as no potential customers walking into your real world store and no sales.

Therefore, you need to adopt tactics and methods that will make sure that your site enjoys hundreds or perhaps even thousands of visitors a day.

There are lots of different ways of doing this, and once your business becomes better established, you should use every traffic generation tactic that you know of to maximize the number of visitors that you enjoy.

However, some of the quickest and most effective ways of getting people to visit your sales page are the ones that cost money as well, and that may be money that you don’t have available right now.

For example, using the AdWords Pay-Per-Click online advertising program from Google will have visitors landing on your page within a matter of hours, so it is extremely effective in these terms. However, unless you know exactly what you are doing when you create your AdWords campaign, it can be a very expensive way of attracting visitors, and the number of new internet marketers who have been severely ‘burned’ by their first few AdWords campaigns are legion.

There is another factor that you need to consider as well.

Online advertising programs like AdWords are still extremely effective, but they are becoming less so as people become more aware that when they see ‘Sponsored Links’ on a page, it means that they are looking at paid advertising.

People in general and internet users, in particular, seem to have an increasing aversion to visiting sites that use paid advertising to promote their products and services, perhaps because they believe that sites that pay to advertise will always be those that are trying to sell them something.

Despite what those of us who run internet based businesses might like to believe, most people do not surf the internet with the intention of buying anything. They do so to seek information and answers to the questions that they have, and as a general rule they are trying to find that information for free.

Considered in the light of this factor, it makes sense that people would avoid clicking on adverts wherever possible.

At the same time, however, the way that these information seekers look for the information that they want is pretty much cast in stone as well. They will open up their favorite search engine, type in the word or phrase that they want to search for, and hit the ‘Enter’ key.

This will bring up a page of search engine results that shows them the top ten most popular sites that are related to that phrase on the left hand side of the page, together with a handful of adverts on the right hand side.

Extensive recent research has shown that searchers almost always click on the top results on the left hand side of the page, and then work their way through those top ten results to find what they are looking for.

If they cannot find the information that they are seeking by doing this, then they might click on an advert, or they could move to the second page of the results and look at the natural (organic) search results that are featured in positions 11-20 for the term that they searched.

If you can get your site pages into the top ten or twenty of the natural search engine results, the chances of your being able to pull visitors are very good. Of course, that is everyone else’s objective as well, so the competition for those coveted top ten spots can be extremely fierce.

Despite that competition, you must do everything that you can to get your page featured, and one of the ways that you do this is through the application of what is known as search engine optimization (or SEO) tactics to the creation of your pages.


Some such SEO tactics are known as ‘white hat’ tactics, while others are sometimes called ‘gray hat’ and then there are ‘black hat SEO tactics. It is with the latter in particular that this book is concerned, so the first thing to look at is, what exactly are black hat SEO tactics?

Just like the movies…

As in the ‘Western’ cowboy movies of old, the concept of black and white hat tactics is supposed to differentiate between the good guys and the bad.

However, it is important to understand who it is that defines those who are the good guys wearing the white hats and the baddies who wear the black.

The first and perhaps most important point to make about those who use black hat tactics is that they are not doing anything that is illegal (at least, the majority of them are not) and in most cases, the tactics they adopt to make sure that their website features well in the search engine results are not even unethical.

However, the search engines have rules about what they deem to be acceptable promotional and marketing practices, and they deem anything that falls outside those rules to be a black hat. In other words, those who are using black hat tactics are not necessarily doing anything wrong, it is just that they are breaking or bending the rules that are imposed on the way that they use the internet by Google or Yahoo!.

It is therefore reasonable to ask a few questions here.

First, why do the mega-rich corporations like Google or Yahoo! believe that they have any right to impose rules on other internet users? They do not own the internet, although behavior such as imposing rules might suggest that they believe otherwise.

Secondly, who are these rules that are fairly arbitrarily created by the search engine overlords designed to benefit?

Of course, the search engine people will proclaim that they impose these rules to protect their users, and to ensure that they enjoy a high quality experience whenever they use that particular search engine.

There is some truth in this because the quality of the results that the search engines return has definitely been improving over the past couple of years.

That being said, however, there is no doubt that the major beneficiaries of this imposition of rules and regulations have been the owners and shareholders of sites like Google and Yahoo!

For this reason, there is nothing intrinsically wrong with applying black hat tactics to the site optimization process, although it is, of course, up to each individual site owner to decide what is acceptable to them and what is not.


As intimated earlier, there are some serious black hat experts whose practices and behavior do border on the illegal, but this book is not

concerned with those sorts of tactics, simply because they are way too dangerous for any black hat beginner to get involved in.

What I am going to cover, however, are most of the basic black hat tactics that marketers are using to get their sites into the top ten search results, so that you know how it is done.

The people who run the major search engines are not very happy when people use tactics that bend or break their rules. Thus, it is a fairly common occurrence for sites to be found by the search engine spiders and listed in the results (known as ‘indexing’), only to then be de-listed fairly soon after as it is discovered that they are using black hat tactics.

However, while the site is still indexed and is ranking reasonably well in the search engine results, it should be making good money for you, so one of your objectives should be to keep the site live as long as possible by avoiding detection.

That is one of the secrets of a successful black hat SEO policy, and something that you are going to learn considerably more about in this book.

Getting set up correctly

Every day, there are hundreds or perhaps thousands of people from all points of the globe who decide that they would like to try their hand at making money online.

Some of these people will be successful but the vast majority will not, and one of the biggest differences between the two groups is that the people who are successful work to a plan and tend to be extremely well organized as well.

One other thing that they all do without fail is track all of the information that they can lay their hands on about their site visitors because that is the information that allows them to tweak and finesse their marketing efforts so that they become even more successful.

Perhaps you have never thought about this, but any time you visit a website, you leave a very large amount of information about your visit on that site when you leave.


If you have your own website, you can test this for yourself by looking at any inbuilt stats programs that your webhost includes in your account package.

For example, if your webhost provides a cpanel through which you manage your site, look for the ‘Web/FTP Stats’ icon, and click it, and log into any of the stats programs that you find there. I prefer using Awstats:

What Awstats will tell you is just about everything there is to know about the people who visit your site – what operating system and web browser those people are using, the countries and sites that they come from, what keywords are driving traffic to your site, how long people are staying on your pages and so on. In other words, every time someone visits your site, almost everything that they do while they are there is recorded for you.

See also  The Essential Guide to Image OptimiZation for SEO

Exactly the same will happen when you visit other people’s sites as well. However, if the money making sites that you are building are black hat, then

you want to minimize the ‘footprint’ that you leave anywhere on the net as far as possible.

Here are some of the steps that you can take to do this.

Make your black hat domain names private

When you first start to build your black hat sites, each one should be built using a new domain name that you have registered specifically for the purpose of building that site.

If you do not have a favorite domain name register, I recommend cheap domainregistration.com, because, as the name would suggest, they are cheap, but they are also extremely efficient as well:


As you can see from this, at the time of writing, .com domain names are available for $6.95.

While under normal circumstances, if you were building a site that you want to use for several years, a .com domain would always be the best choice, in this case, the fact is that most black hat sites tend to be around for a relatively short time.

For this reason, even a .info domain should do the job perfectly well, and these are available for only $1.99 per year.

Note also that to the left of the table shown above, it mentions that ‘Private Registration’ is available for $8.95 per year. This is something that you really should add to every domain that you register for purposes that are in any way black hat because it means that all of your personal information is kept entirely private. Otherwise, anyone who discovers that you are doing something with a site that the search engines don’t like can do what is known as a ‘Whois’ search to find out all of the personal information that you must register if you do not add Private Registration to your domain.

If therefore, you are using a .info domain name, then you are looking at a total bill of $10.94 per year for your new URL.

Incidentally, it is normally recommended that you register new domains for at least two years, rather than just one, as that makes the search engines take the site that you build under that domain a little more seriously.

That is not a consideration here, so one year of registration for your site is fine, but don’t leave yourself open by ignoring Private Registration.


Use a friendly web host

Not all web hosts are happy with customers who use their services to build black hat sites, primarily because if you do so using their shared hosting services (which, as they are the cheapest hosting service, you almost certainly will) your black hat activities might lead to one of their IP addresses getting black listed.

That can cause problems for them, as it can have an adverse effect on the account of any other customers to whom they have allocated the same IP address.

So, it is important to choose a web host who will at least turn a blind eye to your black hat activities, and not close your site (and possibly your account) at the slightest hint of trouble.

There is going to be an element of guesswork involved here, as no web host is going to actively encourage people to use them for black hat activities because of the risks to their own business if you should choose to do so.

However, there are some hosting forum sites available where you can find out what hosts other people are using, such as the excellent Web Hosting Talk forum. Take a look there to see what hosts other people are currently recommending.

Hiding behind proxies

When you connect directly to a website, you leave very clear signs that you have been there, as previously established.

If, however, you connect to the net through what is known as a proxy server, the picture can be very different.

Basically, when you connect to the net using a proxy server, what you are doing is routing that connection through another computer or network of computers, so that any information that is left on sites that you visit is related to the computer through which you were routed, not your machine or IP address.

There are different types of proxy servers, however, and you have to make sure that you are using the right type if you want to hide what you are doing. For example, a transparent proxy server does not hide anything about you and so the site that you visit will be able to see all of your information in the normal way.

If, however, you use an anonymous or (better yet) highly anonymous or elite proxy server, then the site that you visit or the person to whom you send e-mail while using the proxy will get to know nothing about you.


The other advantage of using a proxy server is that, because the proxy acts as a ‘gateway’ through which all incoming and outgoing data must pass to and from your computer, you are generally protected against viruses, Trojans, key loggers, spyware, and other forms of malware.

The only problem with using proxy servers is that sometimes, the computer that was or is acting as a proxy for you gets turned off, and so you lose your connection. For this reason, it is important that, no matter how you access an anonymous proxy server, the information that you are using (and specifically the URL of the proxy that you are connected to) was tested in the past few minutes.

There are a few different ways that you can find up-to-date proxy server lists that are available for you to use.

Option one is to buy software that will go out and find live proxy server sites for you whenever you want to be online in a totally anonymous fashion.

The advantage of a program like Proxy Finder is that you will therefore always know that the proxy you are trying to use is live and online, but the program does cost money.


The next option is to use one of the proxy sites listed on a site like this one. Simply click on any link on the page to be taken to a proxy site, type in the URL of the site that you want to view, and hit the ‘Enter’ button.

The third option, and my personal favorite, is to download and install a free plug-in for the Firefox web browser that allows you to be online entirely anonymously with just a few clicks of your mouse.

The plug-in or add-on is called Proxysel and can be downloaded for free here. Install it and then restart Firefox to activate the software.

You should now see a window that looks a little like this at the top of the screen, except yours will be empty, as you have not ‘loaded up’ any proxy servers yet:

That is therefore the next job.

Go to Checked Proxy Lists and scroll down the page until you see the area where the various different lists are available:


Black hat SEO

The file that you need to use is the one right at the top, the ‘high anonymous proxy list’.

Download the detailed CSV file by clicking the link in the brackets.

Now, go back to the Proxysel window at the top of your browser and left click on the word ‘Proxysel’ itself. Next, hit ‘Import – Export Proxylist’ > ‘Import List’ > ‘and overwrite Proxylist’:

Look for the CSV file that you just downloaded and click on it in the window to add it to Proxysel.

You should now see confirmation that all of the proxy addresses that were contained in the CSV have been added to the program, and if you click on

the dropdown icon to the right of the Proxysel window, you should be able to see the complete list of proxies that you just added:


To use any of the proxies listed, highlight the one that you want to activate and click on the tiny monitor icon to the right of the Proxysel window. It should turn light blue as seen here:

And you should also see the numerical IP address displayed at the bottom right of your browser screen as well.

Note that in the list that I have just added, not all of the proxies are in the same country. That is a good thing, as it allows you to be online with the appearance of being in different places, which pretty obviously makes you even more anonymous.

The thing that I particularly like about using Proxysel is that it allows you to change the proxy server that you are using every few minutes by simply clicking the server that you are currently using off, and choosing a different one.

This ability to switch server quickly and very simply is one thing that most experts in the art of keeping your online tracks hidden recommend as being something that you should do. Proxysel makes it remarkably easy, without having to spend any money on software to do the job for you.

Incidentally, if you want to take your anonymity even higher, you can download an additional security program known as Tor, and then activate it

any time you want to use it by clicking on the tiny yellow brown ‘Tor’ icon to the right of the monitor icon in the previous screenshot.


Using Tor in addition to routing everything through one of the high anonymous proxies can sometimes slow things down a little, but it also significantly increases your security as well, which for any black hatter is

always something that you should strive to do.


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SOURCE: Profitablehub.net

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