HomeBlogstrategiesSEO Statistics to Assist You in Ranking #1 in google page of search results 2022

SEO Statistics to Assist You in Ranking #1 in google page of search results 2022

SEO Statistics to Assist You in Ranking #1 in google page of search results 2022If you rely on Google traffic to attract new customers to your business, you have most likely experienced the positive and negative consequences of SEO’s ever-changing nature.

As algorithms evolve, certain SEO strategies become more powerful than others. This means that businesses must be aware of what works in SEO and what does not in order to avoid Google penalties.

But, what are some of the most important SEO statistics you should be aware of? To make it easier to understand what’s going on, we’ve not only compiled various SEO statistics but also divided them into the various types of SEO.

By the end, you should not only have a better understanding of many of SEO’s main principles, but also be able to apply them to your own online strategy. Finally, it should result in a higher ranking for your website in search engine results pages. But keep in mind that SEO is ever-changing, so don’t rest on your laurels.

That being said, allow us to lead you through our statistics and facts about the world of SEO.

  1. “Growing SEO” has been identified as the top priority for 61 percent of businesses in 2021.

Other key findings of this research include the fact that generating website traffic has been identified as the most difficult marketing challenge, and paid advertising has been identified as the “most over-rated” marketing tactic.

2. Do you know what the SEO industry is worth? $80 billion is an estimate.

Search engine optimization cost $65.26 billion in 2016. This figure increased to $72.02 billion in 2018 and is expected to increase to $79.27 billion by 2020. Only one-third of this is spent by larger corporations, with the remainder spent by startups and small local businesses.

3. SEO has a 14.6 percent conversion rate, which is significantly higher than the 1.7 percent conversion rate for traditional outbound methods.

Other methods simply cannot compete with the conversion rate that results from good SEO practices. This conversion rate, however, can occur only when the proper strategy is used.

4. 75% of SEO is done off-page, while only 25% is done on-page.

Most people believe that what’s on your website is the most important factor in SEO. Instead, SEO statistics show that backlinks, social signals, social media, directories, and a variety of other “off-page” practices will be far more valuable than you ever imagined.

5. According to 72 percent of marketers, relevancy is the most important factor in improving SEO.

The concept of relevancy is more important than you may realize—it also plays a role in Google’s algorithm. They actively promote websites that are thought to be the most relevant for keywords, so incorporating that into your SEO strategy appears to be a simple idea.

6. Search engines account for 93% of all website traffic.

If you’ve been wondering, “Is SEO important in 2019?” here’s your answer. The fact that so many people use search engines to find your website demonstrates the importance of ranking high on those results pages and being as relevant as possible.

7. According to search engine usage statistics, by 2020, at least half of all searches will be voice and image-based.

With voice search, the importance of selecting the right search terms and keywords for your SEO campaign will increase even more. Including image alt tags with the correct keywords for each image on your website will also help elevate your position on the results pages.

8. Half of all search queries are four words or longer.

According to the most recent keyword statistics, people are more likely to search by asking a question or making a statement rather than using individual keywords. This method employs what are known as long-tail keywords, and failing to include them in your SEO strategy means you are missing out on half of all searches.

9. Have you ever wondered what percentage of web traffic comes from search engines? Organic search accounted for more than 51% of content consumption in 2018.

Organic search is when people use terms or words to find what they’re looking for. SEO is intended to make your website more visible to people searching for those terms. This statistic alone demonstrates the significance of SEO and what you may be missing out on if you do not implement the proper strategy.

10. According to 2018 organic SEO statistics, video content is 50 times more likely than plain text to drive them.

It has long been accepted that visual content elicits a stronger response than written content alone. It catches the eye more quickly than plain text, and people can quickly determine whether or not video content is relevant to them. It is therefore critical to ensure that video content is properly optimized from an SEO standpoint.

11. Republishing old blog posts with new content and images can boost organic traffic by up to 111.37 percent.

Blogging SEO has already proven to be a successful strategy. Furthermore, this approach has the added benefit of leveraging previous links and SEO work done on the old blog post while also utilizing newer methods to push the content higher. Because of the importance of visual content in attracting people, including images should draw even more attention.

12. Marketers who use a combination of organic SEO techniques and PPC ads generate 25% more clicks and 27% more profits than those who only use one technique.

SEO facts and figures show that relying on a single approach will not suffice. Combining these techniques with PPC ads, on the other hand, will almost certainly increase interaction because the ads will be shown to those who will find it the most useful or helpful.

13. However, organic SEO outperforms paid search ads by about 5.66 times.

Have you ever thought about how effective SEO is? You now have the solution. Individuals conducting searches regard organic SEO as more trustworthy than paid advertisements. There is a perception that companies can buy their way into a position without providing the best option for a consumer, which causes people to pay more attention to organic results rather than paid ads.

14. Seventy percent of the links clicked on after a search are organic.

Companies that emphasize paid advertising as the way to go are leading marketers astray. While they have a place in online marketing, the majority of a marketing budget should be spent on improving organic results through effective SEO practices.

15. Have you ever wondered how many searches begin with Google? The tech behemoth receives 96% of all smartphone search traffic and 94% of total organic traffic.

This demonstrates why SEO practices and techniques should be centered on Google’s algorithm. Because of Google’s market dominance, your budget should be spent here, even though it also has the most competition. Furthermore, with Google emphasizing the importance of websites being mobile-ready, and with 96 percent of smartphone traffic passing through their website, ignoring this will be disastrous for your campaigns.

Mobile SEO Statistics

Since 2009, mobile web browsing has steadily increased, eventually surpassing desktop in late 2015. According to the most recent studies, the importance of mobile devices in search has grown in the last year. These statistics will help you understand why you need a mobile-friendly web presence.

16. By 2022, 63.4 percent of all mobile phone users will be using their smartphone to access the internet.

According to search engine optimization statistics, this figure is up from 61.2 percent in 2022. The global smartphone user base is expected to reach 2.87 billion in 2022, up from 2.1 billion in 2018.

17. Mobile devices account for 69 percent of all digital media time.

With so much digital media time spent on mobile, your digital content must be optimized for mobile users. This includes ensuring that all content can be viewed correctly on a mobile device while also utilizing the various SEO practices in place for mobile content.

18. One-third of all smartphone searches were conducted immediately prior to a store visit.

This is one of the mobile SEO statistics that shows how important it is to make yourself as visible as possible because it directly influences the decisions people make when making a purchase. Also, because it is delivered via smartphone, people are looking for confirmation of something online before going to a physical store, so if you thought it was only for online businesses, think again.

19. 43 percent of consumers will conduct online research while in the store.

Customers are more aware than ever of the importance of comparing prices and conducting research before parting with their money. They want to know that they are not wasting money and that they are getting the best deal possible. This usually happens right before the money is about to change hands. Allowing yourself to be found online through SEO can be critical right up until the last second.

20. According to 2018 SEO statistics, mobile phones accounted for 52.2 percent of global online traffic.

This is an increase from 50.3 percent in 2017, which is not surprising given how quickly mobile is gaining traction.

21. Smartphones account for 66 percent of all e-commerce time.

With more and more time spent browsing the internet on a smartphone or mobile device, industries that previously ignored mobile SEO are now rushing to improve their organic search results.

E-commerce is an industry that allows people to find various products, and it is becoming more important than ever. Mobile commerce revenue in the United States is expected to reach $963.36 billion by 2023.

22. 51% of searchers are more likely to make a purchase from a mobile-optimized website.

With Google promoting mobile search more than ever before, this figure is only expected to rise in the coming years. According to search engine user statistics, the traditional method of purchasing products online, via desktop or laptop, has now been surpassed by new technology. If your website is not optimized for mobile use, you are automatically reducing your target market by a significant percentage.

Facts About Local SEO

Local SEO is now more important than ever: Google has determined that people prefer local results that are more relevant to them. Because of recent algorithm updates, relevancy is a huge driving force in SEO.

Failure to take this into account will result in a significant drop in your organic search position—so many competitors will take advantage of these changes in their SEO strategies.

However, these SEO statistics will help to explain why local SEO is now so important.

23. After conducting a mobile business search, 88 percent of consumers will call or visit the business within 24 hours.

This demonstrates that a preliminary search for a local business will, more often than not, result in the potential customer taking the next step—contacting the business. If you do not use local SEO practices, you will not appear in these results, and the opportunity will be lost.

24. Local searches account for 46 percent of all Google searches.

Given the astounding local search statistics, we can conclude that nearly one out of every two Google searches is now local, it should come as no surprise that Google has pushed local SEO even further forward. Any company that ignores this will have a difficult time in the future.

25. 97% of people learn more about a local business through The internet.

People use social media, directories, and reviews to learn as much as they can about a local company before making contact, so a local business must be highly visible on the internet. Without a properly optimized website, or one that lacks the necessary information, potential customers will simply march past you to your competitor.

26. 72 percent of consumers who conduct a local search go to a store within five miles of where they are now.

This statistic demonstrates that when we talk about local SEO, we truly mean “local” in the sense of current location. People will also look closer to home if there are several options to choose from and the prices are within their budget.

27. 92% of searchers choose businesses from the first page of local search results.

Search engine usage is on the rise, and if your local SEO campaign hasn’t gotten you on Google’s first page, there’s not much point in having your business online. Getting on the first page should be your absolute minimum goal. Obviously, the higher up the page you are, the better, but simply being on the front page for your targeted keywords will be beneficial.

28. Google searches for local information account for 46% of all searches.

People used to look in their local newspaper or the Yellow Pages for information on local businesses. Those were the days. Because the emphasis is now on Google over any other search engine, developing an SEO campaign that results in your company being visible must be a priority for your company.

29. 70% of consumers will visit a store as a result of information found online.

The level of trust people place in what they read online is evident when 70% of them go on to visit a store. If you don’t consider search engine traffic statistics in your online marketing, you’ll be fighting to be noticed by the minority, lowering your potential turnover.

30. 78 percent of location-based mobile searches result in an offline purchase.

Local SEO will not only drive people to make online purchases, but it will also help the offline market. As a result, local SEO must be multifunctional and accommodate both options.

31. 28 percent of searches for something local result in a purchase.

This is another search engine fact that should encourage any company that is still unsure if local SEO is the way to go.

32. 73 percent of consumers trust a company after reading positive reviews.

Online reviews are the new “word of mouth” in advertising and marketing. People believe what other customers have said about a company more than what the company itself says.

33. 56 percent of local retailers have yet to claim their Google My Business listing.

According to the most recent Google user statistics, optimizing your Google listing should be at the top of your priority list. Because your GMB will be one of the first things people see when they arrive on Google after a search, failing to claim it means you’re missing out big time.

34. 82 percent of businesses have yet to claim a Bing listing.

Even though Google is the undisputed market leader, other search engines must not be overlooked. Bing is the next most popular search engine, as it is owned by Microsoft, but four out of every five businesses have not claimed their business listing there. As with Google, this reduces your visibility to potential customers for something that takes only a few minutes to complete.

See also  Increase your search engine ranking to generate leads.

SEO Link Building Statistics

Link building has long been considered a cornerstone of SEO campaigns and tactics. The issue is that the rules surrounding link building have changed constantly over the years with each algorithm update.

Although the primary purpose of links is to provide validation to your website, the type of links is now far more important than the number. This is a complete 180-degree turn from a few years ago when spam links were used to artificially boost a website’s ranking. That is now illegal, and websites caught using it will face penalties.

It may be more difficult, but link building is an important part of the SEO process, which is why you should hire a marketing company that understands and follows the rules.

If you’re wondering why it’s so difficult, consider the following statistics and facts.

35. Link building is the most difficult SEO tactic, according to 65 percent of marketers.

We’re not just talking about basic marketers here; we’re also talking about those who are skilled at SEO and link building. Google’s opinion on how it views links changes on a nearly daily basis, which can be stressful and necessitates your constant attention.

36. Link building is the most difficult challenge in SEO, according to 41% of corporate marketers.

The difference between being in the top five positions on Google and being on the second page is so small in the corporate market that having the right link-building strategy can make a huge difference. Furthermore, your competition is constantly working on building links—you must follow suit or risk falling behind. The figure is only surprising because it isn’t higher.

37. Backlinks in Google search trends peaked in 2011 and again in 2017.

According to SEO statistics, there were significant changes in the way Google viewed backlinks in 2017. The emphasis is now on quality over quantity, which explains why it has peaked. Because it is expected that there will be no major changes to this part of the algorithm for some time, marketers can now settle into a strategy and execute it accordingly.

38. 35% of clients will spend $1,000 or less per month on link building.

The increase in monthly revenue that link building can provide is substantial, but in order to achieve this in a tough competitive market, you must be willing to pay for an experienced link building marketer. While $1,000 per month may appear to be a lot, quality links can increase your revenue by several times that amount.

39. When it comes to their SEO budget, 53 percent of clients spend a quarter or less on link building.

You get out of SEO what you put into it, and this is especially true with link building. This vital resource deserves more than 25% of your budget because it is one of the primary focal points for achieving the best possible results. Other SEO strategies may get you higher in the search results, but effective link building can keep you there.


Google Search Engine Statistics

Google is the undisputed king of search engines, leaving everyone else in its dust. As a result, people who run SEO campaigns tend to prioritize Google over all other search engines.

However, because there is less competition, some people prefer to focus their attention on other search engines—but when you look at these statistics, you may realize you’ve been missing out on a significant portion of the market.

40. When it comes to desktop search traffic worldwide, Google has a 71.98 percent share, with Baidu at 14.04 percent, Bing at 7.76 percent, and Yahoo at 4.44 percent.

This single statistic demonstrates that everyone else is vying for Google’s leftovers. However, with the search engine giant accounting for nearly three out of every four searches, working solely within those scraps makes no sense.

41. The first position in Google’s desktop search results has a click-through rate of 34.36 percent.

Statistics show that you should not underestimate the coveted first page of Google. In fact, as you move down the first page, the CTR decreases, with the majority of people preferring one of the top three results over anything else they will find in their search.

42. The average number of words on Google’s first page is 1,890.

To stand out from the crowd, marketers must make full use of their meta details. Use the entire character limit to provide as much information as possible to first-page visitors, and make sure to include your keywords as well.

43. If your site’s landing page includes a video, you’re 53 percent more likely to appear on Google’s first page.

From an SEO standpoint, video and image content are more favorable, but only if they are properly optimized. Make sure the video does not interfere with how your website loads and operates, as this can increase your bounce rate and harm you.

44. Google receives approximately 71,780 queries per second.

Of course, not every search is going to involve you or your keywords, but this stat indicates just how busy Google is at any given time. When there is so much competition, believing that people will simply find you is professional suicide, which is why SEO should be at the forefront of your overall marketing campaign.

45. But how many Google searches do you do per day? The world’s leading search engine processes at least 5.8 billion search queries per year. 15 percent of those queries are new and have never been searched there before.

The importance of this statistic stems from the 15%. This demonstrates that there are always new keyword combinations worth exploring because people’s search terms change all the time. The only difference in that 15% is the wording, not the topic. Think outside the box, and you’ll be amazed at what you can accomplish.

46. There is no doubt that the number of Google searches per year exceeds 2 trillion.

The number of Google searches has steadily increased over time. Google reported 1.2 trillion Google searches per year in 2012. It is now clear that the number of searches is rapidly approaching 3 trillion.

47. The answer to the question of how many people use search engines on a monthly basis is more than one billion.

As a result, the estimated monthly number of Google searches is 40-60 billion.

48. Google accounts for 44 percent of all website referral traffic.

Referral links can drive significant traffic to a website. Claiming your listing and having the Google spider crawl your website so that it can be listed is a must. This cannot be overlooked when nearly one out of every two visitors will arrive via Google. Of course, if you fail to implement an SEO strategy, you will no longer be as visible, and your percentage will fall accordingly.

49. Looking for some terrifying SEO statistics? Look at this: Google’s ads are ignored by 80% of its users.

Google emphasizes that its ads work, but doing so contributes to its revenue. However, when four out of every five people ignore it, it becomes clear why organic search is the most important factor of all. Spend your budget on developing organic results rather than Google ads, and you will see a higher ROI.

Statistics on Social Media

The importance of SEO in social media cannot be overstated. Google has made SEO an integral part of its algorithm, which has prompted marketers to take steps to incorporate it into their plans.

There should be clear links between social media accounts and websites, with one leading to the other. Pages on social media accounts, as well as discussions containing brand names or keywords, can have a significant impact on organic search results.

50. 58 percent of marketers who have been using social media for at least a year have seen improved search engine rankings.

Although people believe it happens overnight, SEO takes time to produce results. However, this statistic demonstrates how marketers who use social media have seen a sustained improvement in their rankings. This is something that must be worked on a regular basis in order to achieve the desired results.

51. According to 2018 SEO statistics, 74 percent of businesses and 82 percent of agencies use social media in some capacity.

This figure has risen significantly in recent years, as Google continues to push the concept of social media and SEO into the spotlight. This is reflected in how many businesses have incorporated it into their strategies.

52. If they have a positive experience with a brand’s social media service, 71 percent of customers are likely to recommend it to others.

Interaction with customers on social media can be extremely effective in increasing not only brand awareness but also brand reputation. People frequently use a brand’s social media page to contact their customer service department, and it is your responsibility to ensure that they are treated properly.

53. According to 202o SEO statistics, 86 percent of women will research a product or service on social media before making a purchase.

Once again, this demonstrates people’s trust and belief in social media, particularly when it comes to spending money. People frequently use these platforms to solicit feedback on a company or product.

54. 40% of people prefer to spend more money on companies and businesses that are active on social media.

Many people believe that businesses with a social media presence are more modern and technologically advanced. There’s also a sense that these businesses are open to interactions with potential customers, which contributes to brand trust. It should come as no surprise that people are more likely to spend money on a company that is friendly, attentive to customers, and willing to handle problems in front of other potential customers.

Statistics on Content Marketing

One of the most enduring SEO statistics is that content has always been one of the most important pillars of search engine optimization. The way keywords were introduced into it was its backbone in previous years, but this led to people squeezing in keywords more and more.

As a result, we saw a drop in content quality as websites attempted to exploit the search algorithm. As a result, Google made changes to penalize low-quality content, because providing visitors with something useful should be the most important thing of all.

Finally, as evidenced by these content marketing statistics, quality content will have a significant impact on your marketing campaigns and the success of your SEO strategy.

55. According to 72 percent of marketers, the most effective SEO tactic is relevant content creation.

Relevant content should be the foundation of your SEO strategy. Providing value to readers is critical, according to the most recent search engine statistics. The use of keywords within your content must be natural and not forced, nor should it reduce the content’s relevancy. If you’re just getting started with SEO, start with your content.

56. Better content can increase blog traffic by up to 2,000%.

A blog with better content will not only receive more views but it will also be shared, increasing the number of valuable links. Sharing content in this manner has been shown to significantly increase blog traffic, but only when the content itself is relevant and worth reading.

57. Businesses that publish a blog have 434 percent more search engine-indexed pages than those that do not.

According to SEO statistics, Google will crawl each and every page of a website, which means that every single blog post can be an opportunity to improve your SEO strategy. Obviously, the content of the post should be of high quality, but including images or videos, keywords, internal links on your website, and external links to your social media profiles will help the indexing process even more.

58. 81% of businesses believe their blogs are an important business tool.

Blogs are a valuable marketing asset because they allow a company to better engage with website visitors. Each post gives them the opportunity to express their point of view, describe their products or services, or anything else they believe will be relevant. Readers will then feel as if they are getting to know the company, increasing their trust in its ability to deliver on its promises.

Video Marketing Statistics

Video is now more important than ever in SEO and organic search results. It’s becoming more common on websites, but there’s a real need for the video to be relevant and fully optimized, not just for the viewer, but also for search engines.

As technology advances, particularly in smartphones and mobile devices, the ability to watch a video without it freezing becomes increasingly common. Google has responded by promoting video content as a valuable resource in their search algorithms, which is why you should consider using it as part of your strategy.

60. By 2023, it is expected that video will account for 85 percent of all internet traffic in the United States.

Knowing ahead of time what percentage of internet traffic will be video allows you to plan the appropriate strategies to capitalize on this increase. Being able to plan ahead in this manner is an important aspect of SEO—falling behind your competitors could prove fatal.

61. Video content is 50 times more likely than plain text to drive organic search results.

This statistic alone demonstrates how valuable video content is right now. When you consider the earlier statistic that video will account for 85 percent of US internet traffic, you can see why more marketers and SEO experts are focusing on optimizing video content.

62. Video emails have 96 percent higher click-through rates than non-video emails.

If you thought video was only for websites, think again. According to SEO statistics, incorporating it into emails is extremely effective from a marketing standpoint. People pay more attention to video, as previously stated, and as long as it leaves them intrigued, there’s no reason why that CTR won’t increase.

63. While only 20% of people will read text on a page, 80% will watch a video.

If you still need more proof of video’s power, this statistic should suffice. A video with a relevant message will always be more popular than text, with four out of every five people watching it and only one out of every five reading the text.


SEO is not an easy skill to master, which is why getting the right advice is critical. Because Google’s algorithm is constantly changing, you must stay alert and constantly update your SEO strategies.

Getting to the first page of search results is critical, but doing things correctly is even more critical. Failure to do so may result in a Google penalty, which may cause you to disappear from search engine results.


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